arcalet introduction
API usage instruction › ArcaletSystem › Method


void ApplyNewUser(ArcaletGame game, string gguid,byte[] gamecode,string userid,string passwd,string email,OnCallCompletion cb,object token,bool usePSTA)
game              ArcaletGame object. Since the player does not apply for an ID, calling Launch() 
                         is not necessary.
gguid              GGUID of the game
gamecode     The fingerprint for the game
userid             Identifier for the player's account. Please note that the account has to be 
                         between 3 to 19 digits and can only be numbers or English letters. The 
                         special characters are limited to "-" and "."
passwd          The password of the account. The account is to be between 6 to 18 digits.
                         The email account is used to verify the player's identity
cb                     Callback after completion of API functions. The function is defined as follows:
                          void cb(int code, object token)
token               Object that the callback function passes between data objects
usePSTA        Specifies the thread mode of operation. When true, use Pseudo-STA mode

This function allows the user to apply directly for a player account within the app, the user will not linked to the arcalet website to apply for an account.
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