arcalet ?
Object Model
arcalet API
Event Processing
API Class
Objects Summary
Error Code
Super User
Super User
Object Modelarcalet API 》 Objects Summary

Objects Summary

Functions Related to the arcalet system.
Summary of arcalet Objects
ArcaletGame(string userid,string passwd,string gguid,string sguid, byte[] certificate)
void 	    Dispoise()
void 	    Launch()
void 	    Launch(int timeout)
void 	    WebLaunch()          ( Use Unity3D 3.X Web Player )
void 	    WebLaunch(int timeout)
void 	    STALaunch()          ( Use Unity3D,arcalet 2.X is integrated to Launch() )
void 	    STALaunch(int timeout)
void             Send(string msg)
void 	    PrivacySend(string msg,int poid)
void 	    SendOnClose(string msg)
void 	    SendOnClose(string msg, int poid)
void 	    SendOnClose(string msg, ArcaletScene scene)
void 	    StartDelayDetectionRadar(int speed)
void 	    GetDelayMilliseconds()
void 	    SetPlayerStatus(int status,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void 	    SetPlayerStatus(int status,int level, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void 	    SetPlayerLevel(int level, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void 	    FindPlayersByStatus(int status, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void 	    FindPlayersByLevel(int level, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void 	    GetSceneInstances(string sguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void 	    SetPlayerNickname(string nickname, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)

int	            sid		(read only)
int	            poid		(read only)
object         token	        (read / write)
string	nickanem	(read only)

Event  ( can override )
void 	OnCompletion (int code, ArcaletGame game)
void 	OnStateChanged (int state, int code, ArcaletGame game)
void 	OnMessageIn (string Msg, int delayMilliSecond, ArcaletGame game)
void 	OnPrivateMessageIn (string Msg, int delayMilliSecond, ArcaletGame game)

Event Property ( Choose Event or Event Property )

The Event handler function defined in the Event Property corresponds exactly to the Event function with the same name. Please refer to the previous definition for the Event prototype.
ArcaletScene(ArcaletGame game,string sguid)
ArcaletScene(ArcaletGame game,string sguid,int sid)
ArcaletScene(ArcaletGame game,string sguid,bool isLocked)

void 	Launch()
void 	Match()
void 	FairMatch()
void 	Send(string msg)
void 	SetProperty(string key,string value, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void 	SetProperty(string key, int value, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void 	GetCreatorInfo(OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void 	Leave(OnCallCompletion cb, object token)

int	                 sid		        (read only)
string	         sguid		(read only)
object	         token		(read / write)

Event  ( can override )
void 	      OnCompletion(int code, ArcaletScene scene)
void 	      OnMessageIn(string Msg, int delayMilliSecond, ArcaletScene scene)

Event Property ( Choose Event or Event Property )

The Event functions are defined and named in the same way as the Event Property.  Please refer to the previous definition for Event prototype.
void   	GetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void   	GetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void   	GetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,string iguid, bool autonew,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void   	GetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,string[] iguidArray,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	GetItemClass(ArcaletGame game,int option, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	GetItemClass(ArcaletGame game, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	GetItemClass(ArcaletGame game, string[] iguidArray,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	NewItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	SetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,int id,string[] attrNameArray,string attrValueArray,
                OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void  	SetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,int id,string attrName,string[] attrValue,OnCallCompletion cb, 
                object token)
void  	GetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,int id,string attrName,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	GetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,int id,string[] attrNameArray,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, 
                object token)
void  	DeleteItemInstance(ArcaletGame game,string iguid,int id,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void  	GetMallURL(ArcaletGame game, int type, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	GetItemInstanceNumber(ArcaletGame game, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void  	ResetMallItemStatus(ArcaletGame game, string iguid,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void  	ChangeMallItemStatus(ArcaletGame game, string iguid, int status,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)

Super User
void      suGetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game, string userid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void      suGetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void      suGetItemInstance(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string[] iguidArray,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetItemClass(ArcaletGame game, string userid, int option,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetItemClass(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetItemClass(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string[] iguidArray,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suNewItemInstance(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suSetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string iguid,int id, string attrName, string attrValue,
            OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suSetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string iguid,int id,string[] attrNameArray, string attrValue,
            OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suGetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string iguid,int id,string attrName,
            OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetItemInstanceAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string[] iguidArray,int id,string attrName,
            OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suDeleteItemInstance(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid,int id, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suGetItemInstanceNumber(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suResetMallItemStatus(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suChangeMallItemStatus(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string iguid, int status,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suSetItemClassAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string iguid,string attrName, string attrValue,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suSetItemClassAttribute(ArcaletGame game, string iguid,string[] attrNameArray, string[] attrValueArray,OnCallCompletion cb, 
            object token)
void     CommitLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game,string lguid, int tag, string score,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     CommitLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game,string lguid, int tag, string score, string noteOnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     RecordPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game,int tag,string score,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     GetPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game, int tag, int orderby, int order,string startDate,string endDate,
            OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     GetPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game, int tag, int orderby, int order,string startDate,string endDate,
            OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token,int Num)
void     GetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string lguid, int type, int ex,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     GetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string lguid, int type, int ex,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token,int Num)
void     GetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string lguid, int type,  int orderby,int ex, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     GetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string lguid, int type,  int orderby,int ex, OnCallCompletionWithData cb, 
            object token,int Num)
void     GetPlayerRank(ArcaletGame game, string lguid, int type,  OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)

Super User
void     suCommitLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string lguid, int tag, string score,
            OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suCommitLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string lguid, int tag, string score, string note,
            OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suRecordPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game,string userid, int tag,string score,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void     suGetPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game,string userid,int tag, int orderby, int order,string startDate,
            string endDate,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetPlayerScore(ArcaletGame game,string userid,int tag, int orderby, int order,string startDate,
            string endDate,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token,int Num)
void     suGetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string lguid, int type,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string lguid, int type,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, 
            object token,int Num)
void     suGetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string lguid, int type,int orderby, 
            OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void     suGetLeaderBoard(ArcaletGame game, string userid, string lguid, int type,int orderby, OnCallCompletionWithData cb,
            object token,int Num)
void     suGetPlayerRank(ArcaletGame game,  string userid, string lguid, int type,OnCallCompletionWithData cb, object token)
void 	CommitInAppPurchase(ArcaletGame game, string iguid, int type,string receipt, OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
void         CommitInAppBilling(ArcaletGame game, string iguid, int type, string receipt, string signature,OnCallCompletion cb, 
                object token)
void     ApplyNewUser(string gguid, byte[] gamecode,string userid,string passwd,string email,OnCallCompletion cb,object token)
void     ApplyNewUser(string gguid,byte[] gamecode,OnCallCompletionWithData cb,object token)
void     UpgradeUser(ArcaletGame game, string userid,string passwd,string email,OnCallCompletion cb, object token)
public static bool     SetSceneMaxThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetSceneMinThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetSceneThreadTTL(int workerSeconds)
public static bool     SetDatabaseMaxThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetDatabaseMinThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetDatabaseThreadTTL(int workerSeconds)
public static string   ServerTimeOfLastApiCall()
public static void     UnityEnvironment()
public static void     QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback, object state)
public static void     QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback)
public static int        GetAvailableThreads()
public static int        GetQueuedUserWorkItems()
public static int        GetWorkerThreads()
public static int        GetSuspendedThreads()
public static bool     SetMaxThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetMinThreads(int workerThreads)
public static bool     SetThreadTTL(int workerSeconds)
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